
The SOC is an innovation center which works with affiliated unions and progressive allies on transformational campaigns that help workers build power at work and confront corporate misconduct. We act as a force multiplier on many of the largest organizing campaigns being conducted by the labor movement today. We have a dedicated team of staff committed to antiracism, building a strong labor movement and securing good jobs for all.

Our affiliates are the Service Employees International Union, the Communications Workers of America and the United Farmworkers of America.  These unions represent some 2.5 million workers in the healthcare, communications, agriculture, property services, technology, and public service sectors.

Our Mission

Through cutting-edge research and innovative campaigns, the Strategic Organizing Center advocates for both workers and consumers across a wide range of industries, including food service, transportation and logistics, communications, healthcare and more.

Our work is anchored by a belief in equitable, safe workplaces and strong protections for all Americans against unfair business practices.

We offer strategic insights to affiliates and allies, leveraging our collective resources to increase the power of organizing and advocacy campaigns across the nation, and around the globe.

Leadership Council

  • Mary Kay Henry
    Chair, President, Service Employees International Union
  • Teresa Romero
    President, United Farm Workers of America
  • Claude Cummings Jr.
    President, Communications Workers of America  

Millions of people must unite into a strong, reinvigorated labor movement.

If you think it’s time for hard work to be rewarded and valued again in America, and that we need to stop corporate greed, you’re at the right place. Enter your information for ways to get involved.