Our Campaigns
The SOC has partnered with the Communications Workers of America to support the ground-breaking tech workers organizing through CODE-CWA at major tech companies including Alphabet.
See Campaign
The SOC has partnered with the Communications Workers of America to support the ground-breaking tech workers organizing through CODE-CWA at major tech companies including Alphabet.
Fighting for Good Jobs with Call Center Workers United
We provide digital and legal support to healthcare service call center workers across the South as they fight for the wages and dignity afforded to many other federally contracted call center workers.
See Campaign
We provide digital and legal support to healthcare service call center workers across the South as they fight for the wages and dignity afforded to many other federally contracted call center workers.
Safety and Health at Amazon
Our cutting-edge research is exposing the serious dangers Amazon’s business model creates for warehouse workers and drivers. We support the grassroots, worker-driven struggles for safe, reasonable workloads and fair treatment at Amazon.
See Campaign
Our cutting-edge research is exposing the serious dangers Amazon’s business model creates for warehouse workers and drivers. We support the grassroots, worker-driven struggles for safe, reasonable workloads and fair treatment at Amazon.
Fight for $15
The Fight for $15 and a Union began in 2012 when two hundred fast-food workers walked off the job to demand $15 an hour and union rights in New York City. Today, it’s a global movement impacting wages around the world.
See Campaign
The Fight for $15 and a Union began in 2012 when two hundred fast-food workers walked off the job to demand $15 an hour and union rights in New York City. Today, it’s a global movement impacting wages around the world.