Build power for yourself and your co-workers by organizing a union in your workplace. Whether you’re seeking a voice at work, fair treatment, better wages and working conditions, or greater job security, this page serves as a roadmap for finding out where you can get started.
Know Your Rights
This guide from the Department of Labor will walk you step-by-step through forming a union. Learn about the different ways to win recognition, what behavior from the boss qualifies as illegal union-busting, and more.
- Click here to access a PDF from the Department of Labor.
- Click here to access a page that lists workers’ rights to organize from the United Auto Workers.
Resources and Trainings
- The Communication Workers of America has a page on how to organize your workplace.
- The Emergency Workplace Organizing Center (EWOC) has compiled a website full of resources for organizing your workplace
- EWOC is a project of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE). They have an organizing handbook, organizing training, and organizing basics, among many more resources for workers interested in organizing their workplace.
- Labor Notes’s Troublemakers Schools
- Labor Notes’s Troublemakers Schools brings labor organizers to cities/regions for workshops on grassroots union organizing. They have workshops on how to win grievances, secrets of successful organizing, and more.
Connect with a Union
- Organizing with an existing, larger union can offer you access to resources: the advice of trained professionals, legal support, industry connections, a larger platform, and more. Below are links to contact organizers at SOC-affiliated unions.